Fund Performance

  • Daily
  • Monthly
  • Quarterly
As Of 10/4/2024 As Of 9/30/2024 As Of 9/30/2024
Net Asset Value Month To Date Year To Date One Year Three Year (Annualized) Five Year (Annualized) Ten Year (Annualized) Since Inception Inception Date Gross Expense Ratio Net Expense Ratio One Month Year To Date One Year Three Year (Annualized) Five Year (Annualized) Ten Year (Annualized) Since Inception Inception Date Gross Expense Ratio Net Expense Ratio Three Month Year To Date One Year Three Year (Annualized) Five Year (Annualized) Ten Year (Annualized) Since Inception Inception Date Gross Expense Ratio Net Expense Ratio
Stable Value Net Asset Value Month To Date Year To Date One Year Three Year (Annualized) Five Year (Annualized) Ten Year (Annualized) Since Inception (Annualized) Inception Date Gross Expense Ratio Net Expense Ratio One Month Year To Date One Year Three Year (Annualized) Five Year (Annualized) Ten Year (Annualized) Since Inception (Annualized) Inception Date Gross Expense Ratio Net Expense Ratio Three Month Year To Date One Year Three Year (Annualized) Five Year (Annualized) Ten Year (Annualized) Since Inception (Annualized) Inception Date Gross Expense Ratio Net Expense Ratio
GuideStone Fin Resources Capital Preservation 1 Investor 0.03% 1.79% 2.34% 1.91% 1.89% 1.97% 2.84% 4/1/2003 0.83% 0.83% 0.19% 1.76% 2.33% 1.90% 1.89% 1.97% 2.84% 4/1/2003 0.83% 0.83% 0.59% 1.76% 2.33% 1.90% 1.89% 1.97% 2.84% 4/1/2003 0.83% 0.83%
Estimated yield range effective October 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024 is 2.35% – 2.75% (annualized).

The performance data quoted represents past performance and does not guarantee future results. You should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the Fund before investing. A description of the Fund with this and other information may be obtained by calling 1-888-98-GUIDE (1-888-984-8433).

All figures shown represent total return. Total return is based on net change in NAV with reinvestment of all distributions. Returns for periods less than one year are aggregate and for periods greater than one year are annualized.

1 Shares of the Capital Preservation Fund are offered and sold by GuideStone Financial Resources. GuideStone Capital Preservation Fund is not subject to registration, regulation or reporting under the Investment Company Act of 1940, the Securities Act of 1933, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 or state securities laws. Therefore, participants and beneficiaries will not be afforded the protection of those provisions to the extent that they are not applicable. Inception date for the GuideStone Financial Resources Capital Preservation Fund is 4/1/2003. Participants are prohibited from exchanging out of the Capital Preservation Fund to a 'competing fund' without first investing in a 'non-competing fund' for a period of at least 90 days. Also, simultaneous exchanges are not allowed. The crediting rate may change each quarter. The fund seeks to maintain, but does not guarantee, a value of $10.00 per share. More details about the fund and the exchange limitations are available on GuideStone Financial Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention's Web site,, or by calling 1-888-98-GUIDE (1-888-984-8433).