Before you can access your institution's account information, please register the institution with GuideStone in order to establish a valid User ID and passphrase.
The Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a number assigned to your institution by the IRS for the purpose of reporting taxes. It is also known as the TIN, Tax Identification Number, or 95 Number.
Your User ID is the unique name used to identify yourself to GuideStone and provides the most secure user experience when accessing your account information.
User IDs:
(5-character minimum, no spaces.)
Your Passphrase is a unique identifier that helps protect access to your GuideStone account and assists in providing the most secure user experience possible.
GuideStone recommends not using personal information that others can easily guess or obtain when creating your Passphrase (examples include your name, birth date and phone number).
After creating your Passphrase, protect it by not sharing your Passphrase with others or using the same Passphrase for other online accounts. For your protection, GuideStone will never ask you for your Passphrase through e-mail, letter or by phone.
(8-32 characters, case-sensitive, contains at least 1 number)
Please enter the security code you were issued by the GuideStone Instiutional Client Services Team. If you have not received your code, please contact the team at 1-888-98-GUIDE (1-888-984-8433).
Your security code is a unique, case-sensitive code provided to you by the GuideStone Institutional Client Services team. If you have not received your security code, please contact the team at 1-888-98-GUIDE (1-888-984-8433).
Step 1 of 2
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